Thursday, January 12, 2012

DIY || eraser stamp

this is the simplest DIY ever guys. it took me no time at all and looked really cute. eraser stamps can be used for everything. from birthday cards, to packaging, tags, and school art projects. in this DIY i will be using no.2 pencils but if you carve designs into larger erasers as well they can make great stamps too. it is a great art project for kids as well. 

{first step}: take a pencil eraser and outline the area you want to cut {or freehand it if you are like me!}.  i decided to do a triangle. i chose to use a larger pencil and a regular-sized one so i could have varying stamp sizes. 

{second step}: cut away the excess area to create the shape of the stamp you want. i have access to a scalpel, but you could use an exacto knife or even a regular knife.  

{step three}: pick out colors of choice. i used really cheap craft paint, but anything works and if you already have a stamp pad laying around, then you are set!

{step four}: dip your eraser into the color and stamp! i played around with it for a little while to make sure i was getting what i wanted consistently. 

{step five}: create something! i chose to make an example of a quick birthday card. i used the triangle shape of the eraser to make bunting on the front...

and a cute little cake on the inside! {the colors came out a little off, but i did take these with an iphone}

see, simple right? and fast too! plus you can keep the supplies for a later date to make a quick card or tag and they will already be prepared! now go out and try this or make something of your own to post on your blog. and if you do please share by posting a link to it in a comment.


Amber said...

LOVE those! You should open up an Etsy shop or something!

andrea thompson said...

thanks amber! i want to someday once i graduate and settle down perhaps :)